Do you cry, laugh, get frustrated, happy or angry when you realise that you are stuck on Greenland and Monday is the earliest you can leave?
A few probably thinks, yeah nice then you can explore the surroundings even further….my comment would be I have done the exploring part and I feel completed that stage….so have not come to the phase yet, maybe I will and then I let you know. You have to remember I’m here with work colleagues I have not even known for a month and have spent day and night with them since Monday morning….all very very nice and pleasant to both work and be with and the week has been more than terrific but I need some me space and some family time now.
A few would be frustrated and angry….and yes I have gone through that stage today….but left it behind as I realised there is nothing I can do about it and it will just be even more boring if I spend my energy being frustrated. I mean I would of course been able to land the plane if I was the pilot but now I have to live with the fact the pilot was not as confident in landing in the fog in Ilulissat as I would have been.
A few would cry, and yes I nearly started to cry today when I realised not getting on the plane today meant not only stuck until tomorrow but until Monday…at least!!! But crying in front of the new team did not feel as an option. I pulled myself together!
A few would laugh, and yes I have gone through that stage as well today but not because it was funny more out of craziness I guess. Do you know that the highest level of suicides are committed in Greenland, and I must say I understand them….this length would probably be my limit with the cold, the isolation and the nothing to do part once you’ve gone thru the sledging, sailing and helicopter ride as well as the food experience of eating whale meat and whale fat…no I did not eat the fat part but we were served it. It is very sad to tell you that the hospital here in the village has drop-in every Thursday for all girls who need to do an abortion…have nothing else to do than have unprotected sex apparently! Being me you do not have to worry I won’t commit suicide nor will I have protected or unprotected sex!
So what’s up now? I have finally got a room at the hotel after sitting in the lobby since 8 am and I’m happy to let you know Queen Tessi has been upgraded once again to a suite and will at least be able to get a bit of me space before it’s time for another joint night with the team.
For good and for bad this experience has helped me to get quickly into the team and to get to know them both professionally and privately.
Cross fingers we get confirmation we have seats on Monday!
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